25 February 2011

To linearise, or to log-linearise

by Jaromir Benes

In non-linear models, IRIS lets you choose for each individual variable if you want it linearised or log-linearised. This is what the !log_variables and !allbut keywords are good for. Here are a few tips regarding the choice.

23 February 2011

Cross-correlated shocks

by Jaromir Benes

No problem any longer. You can set cross-correlation between any two shocks using a new syntax.

22 February 2011

Complex numbers... What the heck?

by Jaromir Benes

This post is mostly for those of you who came across IRIS only recently. And it was inspired by an amusing (no offence meant:) exchange on the Dynare discussion forum. In IRIS, complex numbers are used in several contexts that have nothing to do with complex numbers themselves. It is simply the convenient fact that they can carry two pieces of information within a single number (the real part and the imaginary part) that we make use of.

21 February 2011

Why did TCORULE become outdated?

by Jaromir Benes

The tcorule function was designed to solve a time-consistent optimal policy rule problem. It became outdated by distribution 8.20110201. Why is that? The function was in fact replaced with a more powerful tool.

Shock contribution graphs in reports

by Jaromir Benes

When simulating the contributions of shocks to the paths of endogenous variables (using the 'contributions' option in the simulate function) you can easily graph the results by the 'conbar' function designed specifically to that end. The contribution graphs are now also available in reports, thanks to an extension of the 'plotfunc' option of the series objects.